woensdag 12 november 2008

SCCM migration issues


It's been a long time that I have posted something because I was very busy prerparing a SCCM migration by one of my clients.

The goal:

Upgrade SMS 2003 SP3 hierarchy.
One of the primaries was located on a VM Ware and this one needed to be migrated to a physical 64-bit machine.

Most issues I had was located on this primary.

I did first an in-place upgrade of the VM Ware.

The upgrade wizard failed all the time with fatal errors during the installation of the INBOX_MANAGER. After investigating for hours (I needed Microsoft support for this) we noticed that there were corrupt ct2 files in the hman inbox.
We removed the corrupt files and executed a site reset hoping that the wizard should continue installing the failed components.

Originally we thought SMS was working, but after a while I noticed all my clients had error 401 in their ccmexec.log. The complete SMS console was green so no issues following SMS. After some investigation again we discovered that IIS was running in 5.0 compatibility mode. Normally SCCM should change this but probably because of the failure of the wizard this task was skipped.

When trying to remove the limited status of IIS we noticed that the after IISRESET the option was always checked again. After some hours we discovered that the service "Internet Printing" was preventing IIS to stop this compatibility mode.
When removing the Internet Printing everything worked.

So far the in-place upgrade of the VM Ware...

The next weekend I had to move the VM Ware to physicall hardware.

I took an SMS backup with the "backup site" task.
When trying to restore this data with Site Repair wizard... gues what... FATAL ERROR.
After some attempts I gave it up and restored the SQL database manually.
The restore of the SMS data luckily succeeded via the Site Repair Wizard.

All SCCM stuff was working, only OSD was suddenly very slow.
This patch resolved the OSD issue:


So this was a short description of my SCCM rumbles ;-)
The misery someone can have in case the wizard are failing...

maandag 1 september 2008


Finally a well deserved holiday

3 weeks west coast in the VS

donderdag 24 juli 2008

USMT - custom.xml sample

I needed to capture something out of the user profiles located under the hidden folders
local settings\application data\...
By default USMT skips these folders.
It took me a while to find this out, so it can might be interesstinf for one of you guys...

Here you have the sample. To make sure that this xml gets applied you need to add this /i:custom.xml as well in the loadstate and the scanstate command.

Lotus Notes


# %CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA%\Lotus\Notes\Data\*

# %CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA%\Lotus\Notes\Data\*

woensdag 23 juli 2008

Move of blog


Just to inform you that this blog will be moved soon to


People of ITForum asked me to create my blog on their domain.
What's a big honour off course!

Hope to see you guys there!


vrijdag 6 juni 2008

Fatal error during upgrade to SCCM SP1

First of all check the configmgrsetup.log file.

If SCCM and WAIK are not installed on the OS driver (another partition)

and you receive 1603 error during the Waik Installation, this is the reason:

During the ConfigMgr 2007 SP1 upgrade process:
WAIK was uninstalled automatically
WAIK was attempted to automatically install using default settings.When the upgrade attempted to reinstall the WAIK it defaulted installed to the default OS drive. This failed on my server.


Before attempting to run SP1
Uninstall WAIK via ARP (Add Remove Programs) (if the previous attempt of SP1 hasn't done it for you)
Install WAIK via the new copy in: . \SCConfigMgr07_UPD_EN\SMSSETUP\WAIK\
Run the SCCM SP1 upgrade again

maandag 26 mei 2008

ZTI ERROR - Unhandled error returned by zticonfigure: Object required (424) and Unable to find CustomSettings.ini, rc = 1

If you can find this errors somewhere in you log files you are probably refering in your CS.ini to a database value that does not exist.


In the past I used the column keyboardlocale in BDDAdminCorDB. In my CS.ini I had a line keyboardlocale=%keyboardlocale%

I removed the column because I use 'InputLocale' in place, but I forgot to remove the line out of CS.ini.

The result was that the "configure" action was hanging without prompting any error and my ztigather.log showed the errors of the title of this post.

After spending some days of troubelshooting I discoverd this was the root cause.

dinsdag 20 mei 2008

zti error opening sql connection: cannot initialize sspi package

When this error appears in your ztigather.log you have to add security.dll to your winpe.wim image of WAIK 2.0 to make a named pipe integrated security connection possible.
You can find the dll in the system32 directory of a Vista box.
Add this dll to the system32 directory of the wim file.


you can install WAIK 2.1 this has named pipe integrated security connection on board by default.

zaterdag 29 maart 2008

Upgrade MDT

Microsoft released recently a new version of MDT. This newer version is providing a better support for Vista SP1 and Server 2008 AND is solving some bugs of previous version
(like one is descirbed in the previous post).

If you don't want to loose your Boot images, Task Sequences and MDT packages you can upgrade MDT.

Check Michael Niehaus's blog, he gives a very nice overview of the different upgrade scenarios and
explains the best manner to do it.


maandag 17 maart 2008

Not able to change MININT-xxx name with MDT-ZTI-SCCM

Hi All,

If you want install PCs Zero Touch with MDT via SCCM and you notice in the ztigather.log that the PC is correctly gathering the correct value (machinename) out of the database but the value is not getting applied.

This in fact caused by bug into MDT, the reason is that that diskpart is choosing the first drive letter for the primary partition. The drive letter turns into E and the system cannot find the sysprep.inf. (in the postinstall phase this is file is supposed to get modified).

To solve this add following lines in zticonfigure.wsf starting from line 159.

ElseIf oFSO.FileExists("E:\sysprep\Sysprep.inf") then
sSysprepInf = "E:\sysprep\Sysprep.inf"oLogging.CreateEntry "Found Sysprep.inf at " & sSysprepInf & ".", LogTypeInfo

maandag 10 maart 2008

ADO connecton errors when trying to connect to MDT database

Hi all,

If you have following error in ZTIGather please check out my post on Technet.

Error: Unable to create ADODB.Connection Object"

Technet: http://forums.microsoft.com/TechNet/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2952634&SiteID=17

woensdag 30 januari 2008

Coming up...

Hello all,

I haven't got much time to publish new posts because I'm in the middle of the preparation of the upgrade scenario for SCCM and I'm also testing the new Microsoft Deployment to continue Zero Touch installations in an SCCM environment.

So keep on visiting this blog to discover my latest experiences regarding these topics!!

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