zaterdag 29 maart 2008

Upgrade MDT

Microsoft released recently a new version of MDT. This newer version is providing a better support for Vista SP1 and Server 2008 AND is solving some bugs of previous version
(like one is descirbed in the previous post).

If you don't want to loose your Boot images, Task Sequences and MDT packages you can upgrade MDT.

Check Michael Niehaus's blog, he gives a very nice overview of the different upgrade scenarios and
explains the best manner to do it.

maandag 17 maart 2008

Not able to change MININT-xxx name with MDT-ZTI-SCCM

Hi All,

If you want install PCs Zero Touch with MDT via SCCM and you notice in the ztigather.log that the PC is correctly gathering the correct value (machinename) out of the database but the value is not getting applied.

This in fact caused by bug into MDT, the reason is that that diskpart is choosing the first drive letter for the primary partition. The drive letter turns into E and the system cannot find the sysprep.inf. (in the postinstall phase this is file is supposed to get modified).

To solve this add following lines in zticonfigure.wsf starting from line 159.

ElseIf oFSO.FileExists("E:\sysprep\Sysprep.inf") then
sSysprepInf = "E:\sysprep\Sysprep.inf"oLogging.CreateEntry "Found Sysprep.inf at " & sSysprepInf & ".", LogTypeInfo

maandag 10 maart 2008

ADO connecton errors when trying to connect to MDT database

Hi all,

If you have following error in ZTIGather please check out my post on Technet.

Error: Unable to create ADODB.Connection Object"

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