donderdag 24 juli 2008

USMT - custom.xml sample

I needed to capture something out of the user profiles located under the hidden folders
local settings\application data\...
By default USMT skips these folders.
It took me a while to find this out, so it can might be interesstinf for one of you guys...

Here you have the sample. To make sure that this xml gets applied you need to add this /i:custom.xml as well in the loadstate and the scanstate command.

Lotus Notes


# %CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA%\Lotus\Notes\Data\*

# %CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA%\Lotus\Notes\Data\*

woensdag 23 juli 2008

Move of blog


Just to inform you that this blog will be moved soon to

People of ITForum asked me to create my blog on their domain.
What's a big honour off course!

Hope to see you guys there!

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