dinsdag 28 juli 2009

Dynamically install drivers with MDT 2010

MDT 2010 has some nice new features, one of them are Selection Profiles.

Like Michael describes on his blog Selection Profiles can be used for several things into MDT.


Another nice thing to use Selection Profiles for is to install drivers on a dynamic basis.

Create a driver folder structure into MDT. Then create a Selection Profile and call it like the respectively model names. You can read the model name out of WMI by executing:
CSProduct Get Name

In CustomSettings.ini you just add:


If you don't want to create a Selection Profile for each model you can create a rule that checks the dirver structure:


(remark: if you build your Driver structure you need to call the folders like the WMI product name - cf. like we did with Selection Profiles)

vrijdag 17 juli 2009

MDT Database connections wit MDT 2010

If you encounter issues connecting to the MDT database, do the following for troubleshooting.

Put following files into one folder:

customsettings.ini (where you specifiy the connection to the DB)

Execute following command from a host that needs to connect to the DB.
cscript ztigather.wsf /debug:true

Most common issues are SQL permission or Named Pipes that isn't enabled in SQL.
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