woensdag 19 december 2007

Unable to install and uninstall of SMS Client due to corrupt WMI


Recently I had an SMS client giving me following errors while I tried to install\uninstall SMS Client.

'unable to create namespace 80041002'
'2501 unable to delete WMI namespace CCM\SoftwareMeteringAgent 80041002'

WMIDiag learned me that my WMI was corrupt.

This script solved the issue:

execute following BAT files.

cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem
for %i in (*.dll) do RegSvr32 -s %i
for %i in (*.exe) do %i /RegServer

net stop winmgmt /y

cd c:\windows\system32\wbem

rd /S /Q repository

regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\system32\scecli.dll

regsvr32 /s %systemroot%\system32\userenv.dll

mofcomp cimwin32.mof

mofcomp cimwin32.mfl

mofcomp rsop.mof

mofcomp rsop.mfl

for /f %%s in ('dir /b /s *.dll') do regsvr32 /s %%s

for /f %%s in ('dir /b *.mof') do mofcomp %%s

for /f %%s in ('dir /b *.mfl') do mofcomp %%s

mofcomp exwmi.mof

mofcomp -n:root\cimv2\applications\exchange wbemcons.mof

mofcomp -n:root\cimv2\applications\exchange smtpcons.mof

mofcomp exmgmt.mof


dinsdag 30 oktober 2007

Problems with XP machines to connect to SMS console

After upgrading to SMS 2003 SP3, I had problems with XP machines to connect to the SMS console. Also they could not add users in the local admin group with the error that enough
storage was available to execute the command.

This is the solution:


dinsdag 2 oktober 2007

Reporting Point problems after upgrade to SMS 2003 SP3


SMS Site Component Manager successfully used the SMS_SERVER_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER service to run the following program on site system "\\SERVER": E:\SMS\bin\i386\rpsetup.exe /install /siteserver:SERVERThe program failed for the following reason: Child process "E:\SMS\bin\i386\rpsetup.exe /install /siteserver:SERVER" took too long to execute, and the process (PID = 4484) was orphaned. Possible cause: SMS Site Component Manager does not have sufficient access rights to administer the site system.Solution: Verify that the Site System Connection accounts are properly configured to allow SMS to administer the site system.SMS Site Component Manager cannot install component SMS_REPORTING_POINT until the program runs successfully. If this problem persists and you cannot fix it, refer to your SMS documentation or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further troubleshooting information.

- download the sysinternals streams tool- http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/utilities/streams.mspx
- go to your SMS\Bin\i386 directory
- run 'streams reportinginstall.exe' if you see any streams registered for it, you can delete it with: - streams -d reportinginstall.exe

zaterdag 15 september 2007

OSD with SCCM 2007


I created a nice document regarding OSD with SCCM 2007 based on the Microsoft TechNet pages.

If you are interested you can download it here:


Enjoy - please add your comments...

woensdag 5 september 2007

Deploy Windows Vista in an SMS 2003 enviornment


Here you have my '10 steps-by-step' procedure to create a Vista image and to deploy this image via SMS 2003 OSD.

This procedure is tested and works fine.


On top of your existing SMS 2003 SPx enviornment with OSD_FP running do the following:

Install OSD_FP Update

Install BDD 2007

Install WAIK

SMS level: It’s possible to deploy Vista already with SMS SP1 or SP2, to manage the Vista machines in your environment your need SP3 or SCCM 2007 (SMSv4).

'10 steps-by-step' flow:

  1. Create a Vista Reference machine manual or with LiteTouchPE_X86.iso.

This .iso is available in BDD.

  1. (Execute 1 time)

On workbench.msc\Operating System node

Capture Winpe 2005 and Windows Server 2003 SP1

  1. Create an OSD Capture CD via the SMS console and capture the Reference Machine.

  1. Add the captured image (.wim version = 1.0 due to OSD_DP Update) to the Operating System node in workbench.msc.

  1. Create build in workbench.msc (build node)

This is physically stored under \\ZTI$\

  1. Create a Deployment Point in workbench.msc (Ex:SMS 2003 OSD)

Edit CS.ini and bootstrap.ini

Each time you change a setting you have to update your Deployment Point. Physically the Deployment Point is stored under ZTI$

  1. (Execute 1 time)

Update WinPE2005 in SMS console with Generic_OSD_X86.iso

  1. Create an Image Package in the SMS console (source: \\\OSD-


Configure OSD program: all phases need to have ZeroTouchInstallion.vbs AND

all (*.*) under \\\ZTI$\

Update Distribution Points in SMS and Update System Package files

  1. Create OSD Installation CD (tip: publish CD on WDS to download into RAMDISK of the PC)

10. Put PC that you want to install in SQL database or advertise it.

Have fun with it!! Please add your comments or questions!!

Nico (lnesta431)

maandag 20 augustus 2007

Issues with SMS Administrator Console

In my testlab I discovered some problems to install an SMS Administrator Console on a client PC.

After some troubleshooting I noticed I could not connect via WMI to my SMS Server.

Tough network, permissions, DCOM, WMI,... were all OK.

This patch solved the issue:


vrijdag 17 augustus 2007

August Patching

Microsoft released these week new patches:


I'll deploy these with ITMU 3.0.

dinsdag 7 augustus 2007

@ work - OSD Capture CD

Hello all,

What a busy start after holiday ppff!!

I had to capture an image for 2 new hardware models (Lenovo laptops)

I could not use my previous caputure CD as (hell yeah) new SATA and NIC dirvers need to be added.

So let's start...

I noticed when I tried to capture that I could not access my C-drive, network was OK.

So I added my SATA strings into the txtsetup.sif and recreate a new capture CD.

When I re-tried to capture I could access my C-drive but suddenly I had no network anymore??

I compared with windiff and the only file that was changed was the txtsetup.sif...

Any idea why I suddenly lost my network? Nope! The drivers are on the CD for sure, but when I execute an ipconfig in labshell I get no reply.

Finally I receive the error 80040001, which is normal. (timeout)

After investigating everything inside out I re-created my .iso (oscdimg) and burned it again on CD, just the same like before...
and guess what it worked!!

I don't know why it didn't worked the first time, this proves again that IT sience is not really an exact sience!

donderdag 12 juli 2007

My desk @ work

Quite clean isn't it ;-)


Hello all,

Welcome to my blog! First of all I will introduce myself.

I'm 26 years old and I'm living in Aalst (Belgium).

Once I obtained my Bachelor degree in IT Science I started working in the IT Sector. (2001)
Since 4
years I'm working for one of the biggest motor companies in the world as SMS Administrator.

Next to the daily SMS admin tasks I was responsible for the implementation of BDD 2.5, OSD and ITMU.

On my blog you can find in the near future my latest findings, experience, tips&tricks,... regarding SMS 2003, SCCM 2007, OSD, BDD, ITMU,...

Some people will know me as lnesta431, this is my nickname on myitforum.com.

Hopefully this blog will be helpful and interesting for you!!

The good news for me is, that I'm leaving this weekend on holiday till the 31rst of July. So I hope as from the 1rst of August I'll post here from time to time.

Nico (lnesta431)
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