maandag 26 mei 2008

ZTI ERROR - Unhandled error returned by zticonfigure: Object required (424) and Unable to find CustomSettings.ini, rc = 1

If you can find this errors somewhere in you log files you are probably refering in your CS.ini to a database value that does not exist.


In the past I used the column keyboardlocale in BDDAdminCorDB. In my CS.ini I had a line keyboardlocale=%keyboardlocale%

I removed the column because I use 'InputLocale' in place, but I forgot to remove the line out of CS.ini.

The result was that the "configure" action was hanging without prompting any error and my ztigather.log showed the errors of the title of this post.

After spending some days of troubelshooting I discoverd this was the root cause.

dinsdag 20 mei 2008

zti error opening sql connection: cannot initialize sspi package

When this error appears in your ztigather.log you have to add security.dll to your winpe.wim image of WAIK 2.0 to make a named pipe integrated security connection possible.
You can find the dll in the system32 directory of a Vista box.
Add this dll to the system32 directory of the wim file.


you can install WAIK 2.1 this has named pipe integrated security connection on board by default.
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