maandag 20 augustus 2007

Issues with SMS Administrator Console

In my testlab I discovered some problems to install an SMS Administrator Console on a client PC.

After some troubleshooting I noticed I could not connect via WMI to my SMS Server.

Tough network, permissions, DCOM, WMI,... were all OK.

This patch solved the issue:

vrijdag 17 augustus 2007

August Patching

Microsoft released these week new patches:

I'll deploy these with ITMU 3.0.

dinsdag 7 augustus 2007

@ work - OSD Capture CD

Hello all,

What a busy start after holiday ppff!!

I had to capture an image for 2 new hardware models (Lenovo laptops)

I could not use my previous caputure CD as (hell yeah) new SATA and NIC dirvers need to be added.

So let's start...

I noticed when I tried to capture that I could not access my C-drive, network was OK.

So I added my SATA strings into the txtsetup.sif and recreate a new capture CD.

When I re-tried to capture I could access my C-drive but suddenly I had no network anymore??

I compared with windiff and the only file that was changed was the txtsetup.sif...

Any idea why I suddenly lost my network? Nope! The drivers are on the CD for sure, but when I execute an ipconfig in labshell I get no reply.

Finally I receive the error 80040001, which is normal. (timeout)

After investigating everything inside out I re-created my .iso (oscdimg) and burned it again on CD, just the same like before...
and guess what it worked!!

I don't know why it didn't worked the first time, this proves again that IT sience is not really an exact sience!
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